<h1>Build FAILURE</h1>
<h3>Changes since last build: </h3>
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: test for m1.lab2 of advanced training
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: more assertion methods for summary panel
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: started with lab 3 test
[Richard Richter] SqaleRepositoryService#addObject fails operationResult if name is null
[Richard Richter] repo-sqale schema: procedure apply_change for incremental schema updates
[Anton Tkacik] MID-6512: Disable logging for xsom.parser.JAXPParser
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: mp initialization for advanced labs with post-initial-objects
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: test for m1.lab2 of advanced training
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: more assertion methods for summary panel
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: started with lab 3 test
[Richard Richter] SqaleRepositoryService#addObject fails operationResult if name is null
[Richard Richter] repo-sqale schema: procedure apply_change for incremental schema updates
[Anton Tkacik] MID-6512: Disable logging for xsom.parser.JAXPParser
[Kate Honchar] schrodinger: mp initialization for advanced labs with post-initial-objects
<h2>See more info:</h2>