<table style="width:50% ; text-align:center">
<h2> Build result: </h2>
<th>Suite name</th>
<tr> <td>
integration</td> <td>
2</td> <td>
121</td> <td>
92</td> <td>
2</td> <td>
25</td> </tr>
<br> <br> <h2>Failed tests:</h2> <br>
1 resourceAccountCreatedWhenResourceUnreachable()[pri:7, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.scenarios.SynchronizationTests@7808fb9]<br>
2 mod04test02AddingMappings()[pri:0, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.labs.M4ProvisioningToResources@561953e3]<br>
<h3>Changes since last build: </h3>
[Lukas Skublik] fix for NP when miss locatication
[Lukas Skublik] npe fix
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: change of alias name for detail, Oracle doesn't like _ first
[Lukas Skublik] fix for visibility of import/run report button
[Lukas Skublik] fix for sorting objectTypes with a respect to national alphabets (MID-6369)
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: System.out replaced by logging of Querydsl query (debug level)
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: detail fetcher/mapper doesn't care about non-unique results
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: JOIN creates unique alias every time, as expected by default
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: better ALL/NONE filter condition creation, should fix Oracle
[Lukas Skublik] fix for NP when miss locatication
[Lukas Skublik] npe fix
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: change of alias name for detail, Oracle doesn't like _ first
[Lukas Skublik] fix for visibility of import/run report button
[Lukas Skublik] fix for sorting objectTypes with a respect to national alphabets (MID-6369)
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: System.out replaced by logging of Querydsl query (debug level)
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: detail fetcher/mapper doesn't care about non-unique results
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: JOIN creates unique alias every time, as expected by default
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: better ALL/NONE filter condition creation, should fix Oracle
<h2>See more info:</h2>