<table style="width:50% ; text-align:center">
<h2> Build result: </h2>
<th>Suite name</th>
<tr> <td>
integration</td> <td>
2</td> <td>
121</td> <td>
79</td> <td>
4</td> <td>
36</td> </tr>
<br> <br> <h2>Failed tests:</h2> <br>
1 orgUnitAccountInducement()[pri:0, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.scenarios.OrganizationStructureTests@759fad4]<br>
2 setUpResourceAndSynchronizationTask()[pri:0, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.scenarios.SynchronizationTests@7808fb9]<br>
3 test001createNewTask()[pri:0, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.page.TaskPageTest@6ec7bce0]<br>
4 mod03test01ViewingResources()[pri:0, instance:com.evolveum.midpoint.testing.schrodinger.labs.M3ResourcesAttributesAndMappingsTest@340d6d89]<br>
<h3>Changes since last build: </h3>
[Katarina Valalikova] introducing archetype inheritance, implemented merging for archetype policies.
[Katarina Valalikova] merging iconType + change clone -> cloneComplex because id conflicts.
[Katarina Valalikova] first test for archetypePolicy merging
[Katarina Valalikova] testing archetype policy mering for synchronization task, imrpovements for asserters, adding more asserts to tests.
[Katarina Valalikova] adding test for archetype policy merging to model-intest full suite.
[Katarina Valalikova] test improvements, rename for assert methods, cleanup, more asserts.
[Katarina Valalikova] code cleanup
[Katarina Valalikova] caching archetypePolicy after merge
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: fixed Checkstyle problems + re-enabled for repo
[Richard Richter] MID-6319 POM cleanup: root vs repo-sql-impl
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: total count select removed from list, introduced unknown total
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: Querydsl configuration initialized based on DB type
[Katarina Valalikova] introducing archetype inheritance, implemented merging for archetype policies.
[Katarina Valalikova] merging iconType + change clone -> cloneComplex because id conflicts.
[Katarina Valalikova] first test for archetypePolicy merging
[Katarina Valalikova] testing archetype policy mering for synchronization task, imrpovements for asserters, adding more asserts to tests.
[Katarina Valalikova] adding test for archetype policy merging to model-intest full suite.
[Katarina Valalikova] test improvements, rename for assert methods, cleanup, more asserts.
[Katarina Valalikova] code cleanup
[Katarina Valalikova] caching archetypePolicy after merge
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: fixed Checkstyle problems + re-enabled for repo
[Richard Richter] MID-6319 POM cleanup: root vs repo-sql-impl
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: total count select removed from list, introduced unknown total
[Richard Richter] MID-6319: Querydsl configuration initialized based on DB type
<h2>See more info:</h2>