[midPoint] Flexible Authentication Configuration with Module saml2 in security policy

Chai, Lisa Lifang.Chai at devry.edu
Tue Nov 14 16:53:51 CET 2023

We have midpoint 4.4.3 with postgre DB, I have configured security policy with Module saml2, but when I import the security policy in import object page, I got error indicated that the Item identifier has no definition:
Item { http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3}identifier<http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3%7didentifier> has no definition
Did I mission some module identifier in system configuration? If so, where to add it?

If anyone has any suggestions for solving the problem I would appreciate it.


Lisa Chai
Senior Systems Analyst
DeVry University
1200 E. Diehl Road,
Naperville, IL  60563
Lifang.Chai at devry.edu<mailto:Lifang.Chai at devry.edu>

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