[midPoint] Midpoint SAML2 Configuration and Shibboleth SP

Nadim El-Khoury nel-khoury at springfield.edu
Sat Dec 30 16:23:48 CET 2023

Hi Everyone,

Do we still need to have Shibboleth SP installed as part of the reverse
proxy server if Midpoint has the SAML2 module?

Is it just a matter of setting up the SAML2 module and the public URL?

Do you happen to know if we need anything besides the following lines in
the Apache server proxy configuration? Do we need the "secret=" entry?

Timeout 2400
ProxyTimeout 2400
ProxyBadHeader Ignore
ProxyPass /midpoint ajp://localhost:8080/midpoint *secret=<removed>*
timeout=2400 retry=0
I really appreciate your help.


Nadim El-Khoury
Director of Networks, Systems, Infrastructure, and CISO
Springfield College
263 Alden Street
Springfield, MA 01109

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya
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