[midPoint] Getting forwarded to port 80 from the web interface on port 8080?

Ramón Cahenzli ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch
Wed Feb 6 12:00:30 CET 2019

Hi everyone,

With Stacy's permission, here is her configuration. It worked for us,
the midPoint web interface no longer incorrectly redirects to port 80.

Settings in $MIDPOINT_HOME/application.yml:

server.port: 8080
server.session.timeout: 60
server.use-forward-headers: true

And the Apache virtual host:

<VirtualHost *:443>
	ServerName something.oregonstate.edu
	ServerAlias something-else.oregonstate.edu

	SSLEngine on

	RewriteEngine on
	RewriteRule ^/$ /midpoint/ [R,L]
	RewriteRule ^/midpoint$ /midpoint/ [R,L]

	ProxyPreserveHost on
	RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https
	RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 443
	ProxyPass "/midpoint/" "http://localhost:8080/midpoint/"
	ProxyPassReverse "/midpoint/" "http://localhost:8080/midpoint/"
	# midPoint can be slow to respond, so we set the timeout to 10
	ProxyTimeout 600


We have closed port 80 on all midPoint instances and things work fine.

I hope this is useful to others as well.


Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Zurich University of the Arts
Ramón Cahenzli, MSc.
IT Architect
Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach, 8031 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 446 31 63, Fax +41 43 446 45 21
ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.chhttp://www.zhdk.ch

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