[midPoint] Populating outbound attribute mapping from other resources?

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Jul 26 18:06:58 CEST 2018

Hello Stacy,

the midPoint architecture is quite strict in this respect: you have to 
do the data transfer via the user object. (This quite old article 
<https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Common+Data+Model> contains 
a few words of explanation.)

We routinely use extension items 
<https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Custom+Schema+Extension> to 
do such transfers. If you do not need to search on the items' values, 
make then unindexed (set indexed = false) and the performance and 
storage overhead will be negligible.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 16.07.2018 22:09, Stacy Brock wrote:
> Apologies for what is probably a trivial question, but I haven't been 
> able to conjure up the correct search keywords to find what I'm 
> looking for in the wiki.
> We would like to populate an outbound attribute mapping with a value 
> present in a different resource (projection?). For example:
> The user has an entry for an office address in LDAP with value of 
> "ABC123". An LDAP resource is configured and the user has a projection 
> for LDAP.
> We would like to provision an account for this user in Google Apps 
> with the office address from LDAP. So the Google Apps config would 
> have something like this:
> <expression>
>     <script>
>         <code>
>             office_address_from_ldap
>         </code>
>     </script>
> </expression>
> How would we go about obtaining office_address_from_ldap? I use a 
> <code> block in the example because we'd also like to do some scripted 
> expressions with these sorts of values.
> Can we do this without having to store the office address on the user?
> Thanks,
> -Stacy

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