[midPoint] Changes to Resource Object Template not affecting existing Objects

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Fri Jan 19 17:45:25 CET 2018


where is your object template? Is it global (i.e. set in System
configuration) or is it a template in your resource referenced in your
synchronization actions?

Because if it's resource-referenced object template, maybe it is not
processed if you change something in organization in midPoint. It should
be however processed if the change comes from your resource.

Globally configured object template with strong authoritative mappings
should work in any case...

Best regards,


On 19.01.2018 17:37, Alcides Carlos de Moraes Neto wrote:
> Hi Arnošt,
> The new mappings are all strong and authoritative.
> I'm logging to TRACE and the template is not even mentioned in the
> CLOCKWORK SUMMARY, and the expressions are not called for existing
> objects, only new ones.
> I tested deleting one Org and Reimporting it, and that worked. But I
> cannot delete all the Org Structure everytime I change the template...
> 2018-01-19 6:55 GMT-02:00 Arnošt Starosta - AMI Praha a.s.
> <arnost.starosta at ami.cz <mailto:arnost.starosta at ami.cz>>:
>     Hi Carlos,
>     is the strength of your mappings normal or weak? Than they would
>     be 'applied' to existing objects, but since there is no change in
>     source attributes or target attributes already have values, the
>     mapping would be skipped.
>     You can try changing the mapping strength to strong to compute the
>     target values all the time.
>     arnost
>     2018-01-18 18:59 GMT+01:00 Alcides Carlos de Moraes Neto
>     <alcides.neto at gmail.com <mailto:alcides.neto at gmail.com>>:
>         Hello List,
>         I have a very simple SQL Resource that creates Org Strutucture
>         from HR System.
>         I have a Template for this resource and it is working OK. 
>         However, I made some changes to this template, added some
>         mappings with conditions, and these are not applied to
>         existing objects. I have tried Recompute, Reconcile, Import
>         accounts.
>         Only the new Orgs that were imported got the new
>         mappings/assignments.
>         How can I apply my template changes to my existing objects?
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>     Arnošt Starosta
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>     AMI Praha a.s.
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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