[midPoint] Database Scripts for 4.0?

Pavol Mederly pavol.mederly at evolveum.com
Mon Dec 10 13:05:03 CET 2018

Hello Chris, 

unfortunately, they are not written yet. We postponed their creation until the M_ARCHETYPE table structure is finished. 

The workaround is either to set hibernateHbm2ddl parameter to "update" (not much tested for databases other than H2, though), or to use scripts for 3.9 and manually create M_ARCHETYPE table in a way similar e.g. to M_FUNCTION_LIBRARY (see below). 

But I have not tested that yet. 

Best regards, 
Pavol Mederly 

CREATE TABLE m_archetype ( 
name_norm VARCHAR ( 255 ) , 
name_orig VARCHAR ( 255 ) , 
oid VARCHAR ( 36 ) NOT NULL , 
PRIMARY KEY ( oid ) 
CREATE INDEX iArchetypeNameOrig 
ON m_archetype (name_orig) ; 

ALTER TABLE m_archetype 
ADD CONSTRAINT uc_archetype_name UNIQUE ( name_norm ) ; 

ALTER TABLE m_archetype 
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_archetype FOREIGN KEY ( oid ) REFERENCES m_object ( oid ) ; 
----- Original Message -----

From: "Chris Woods" <Chris.Woods at rohde-schwarz.com> 
To: "midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 12:18:29 PM 
Subject: [midPoint] Database Scripts for 4.0? 


does anyone know where I can find the latest database scripts for the 4.0 development? I can’t seem to find them on github… 

Many thanks in advance, 


midPoint mailing list 
midPoint at lists.evolveum.com 

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