[midPoint] Generation of $user/name on reconcilitation of new account

BOSCHMANS Glenn gboschmans at cibg.brussels
Mon May 22 10:06:49 CEST 2017

Hi Ivan,

At first glance, the work-around does it job. Thanks for your help!

Is there any documentation on ScriptExpressionEvaluationContext (and possibly similar classes)? A search on the wiki returned no results.

Best regards,

From: midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] On Behalf Of Ivan Noris
Sent: vrijdag 19 mei 2017 22:40
To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Subject: Re: [midPoint] Generation of $user/name on reconcilitation of new account

Hi Glenn,

the configuration looks ok to me. Or at least, I'd do it in the same way. The configuration of iteration token expression is probably missing, but maybe the defaults are fine.

The configuration of resource and its relationship to your object template is OK. #addFocus action is OK (#addUser is the same, ast least fow now, but it's deprecated and kept for backward compatibility reasons only)

The trick and workaround follows.

The problem is with the old value of the attributes (mainly givenName, as it's used in substring). To see that, I used <trace>true</trace> element in the mapping:

      <name>JIT Username generation</name>
           boolean isNew = com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.script.ScriptExpressionEvaluationContext.getThreadLocal().isEvaluateNew()
           if (isNew) return basic.norm(basic.stringify(givenName)).substring(0,1) + basic.norm(basic.stringify(familyName)) //+ iterationToken

2017-05-19 22:20:19,027 [] [midPointScheduler_Worker-6] INFO (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.mapping.Mapping): Mapping trace:
---[ MAPPING 'JIT Username generation'  in objectTemplate:a2fefde3-d6e6-49eb-ae2e-586eca3d747a(Boschmans User Template)]---------------------------
Source: givenName: old=null, delta=PropertyDelta( / {.../common/common-3}givenName, ADD), new=PP({.../common/common-3}givenName):[PPV(PolyString:Bill X.)]
Source: familyName: old=null, delta=PropertyDelta( / {.../common/common-3}familyName, ADD), new=PP({.../common/common-3}familyName):[PPV(PolyString:Gates)]
Target: PPD:{.../common/common-3}name {http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/types-3}PolyStringType[0,1],RAM
Expression: script: ScriptExpression( boolean isNew = com.evolveum.midpoint.mod...)
Condition: true -> true
Result: added: bgates

As you can see, the old values are empty, but the new have correct values.

Of course I (you) could use "basic.stringify(givenName))?.substring(0,1)" to avoid calling substring on null object; but the initial would be missing then.

The above is traced after I fixed the mapping (I removed iterationToken though), so it produced correct login (bgates for Bill X. Gates). The workaround is to use the "isNew" condition, which evaluates to true if the expression in the mapping is processed for the new value (and not the old).

I still need to understand if this workaround is the only way, or if you encountered a bug (or missing documentation which is also a bug). I remember, several years ago I used the same principle in one of my projects as you and it worked.

I have just finished our MidPoint Customization and Deployment training course so I can't guarantee I have time to look at this in the couple of following (work) days. But I'm curious to find the better solution/answers. Until that, please try if the proposed workaround works for you. Thank you.

Best regards,


On 05/16/2017 04:50 PM, BOSCHMANS Glenn wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks for the information, but sadly still no luck. All I end up with is a shadow with a partial result that is in status fatal_error. I found this in the logs.

2017-05-16 15:40:04,072 [] [midPointScheduler_Worker-3] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.util.AbstractSearchIterativeResultHandler): Reconciliation of object shadow:7a70d0e8-839f-473b-ade6-ce38c91f7895(62f64fd8-4807-4a3c-8c32-129d8df890d1) from resource:94f21f3e-89b6-4d93-8cbc-e1bfc9fa41dd(External Database Userstore) failed: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1 expression in mapping 'JIT Username generation' in objectTemplate:52f4ca67-2bea-4da9-b26b-bffbd852fa39(JIT Username generation)(givenName=null; familyName=null; ) in expression in mapping 'JIT Username generation' in objectTemplate:52f4ca67-2bea-4da9-b26b-bffbd852fa39(JIT Username generation)

So givenName and familyName are passed as null to the objectTemplate, but I don’t know why null is passed as those attributes have values in the database. I’ve probably forgotten to configure something, but I don’t know what it could be.

Here is a part of the schema handling on the resource. I left out the attributes that have nothing to do with the username.


Here is a part of the synchronization (only unmatched):

         <name>Sync External DB Userstore</name>

            <objectTemplateRef oid="52f4ca67-2bea-4da9-b26b-bffbd852fa39" type="c:ObjectTemplateType">
                  <t:orig>JIT Username generation</t:orig>
                  <t:norm>jit username generation</t:norm>

And finally the mapping in the objectTemplate:

      <name>JIT Username generation</name>
                                                               return basic.norm(basic.stringify(givenName)).substring(0,1) + basic.norm(basic.stringify(familyName))+ iterationToken

From: midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] On Behalf Of Ivan Noris
Sent: maandag 15 mei 2017 20:33
To: midPoint General Discussion
Subject: Re: [midPoint] Generation of $user/name on reconcilitation of new account

Hi Glenn,

the trick with object template from Roman and Gustav is one (probably best) possibility.

I can imagine also something like this (not tested, but should work):

if (!basic.isEmpty(accountUsername)) {
  return accountUsername // return accountUsername if it's not null
} else {
  return accountFirstname + '.' + accountLastname // do whatever you need here

The mapping is inbound for icfs:name, because for normal connector, that attribute will always exist.
I don't know if you already have some inbound for that attribute, but you can have several (more than 1) inbounds for the same attribute.
The question is if the mapping should also change the existing username in midPoint, if not, the mapping should be weak.

Please note that this solution will not generate unique username in midPoint. For that you must use object template with iterators [1].

[1] https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Unique+midPoint+User+Name


From: "BOSCHMANS Glenn" <gboschmans at cibg.brussels<mailto:gboschmans at cibg.brussels>>
To: midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 4:36:26 PM
Subject: [midPoint] Generation of $user/name on reconcilitation of new        account

Hi all,

We are creating a new environment in which midPoint will be used as IDM and WSO2 IS as IdP. When a user registers in the IdP (through Just In Time-provisioning with a federated IdP) this will be based on their eID. A username is not created, and thus not stored in the database userstore.
The next step is to add those users in midPoint. We planned on doing reconciliation during live synchronization. However, as the username is null in the database, we don’t have a value for the $user/name attribute and so the creation of the new user fails.

Is there a possibility in the schema handling to configure the first name and last name to generate a username? For example:
accountFirstName: Glenn
accountLastName: Boschmans

-> $user/name: gboschmans

I thought about using a Groovy script in the inbound of accountUsername to see if the attribute accountUsername is null. If not null return the value of the accountUsername attribute. If it is null, then I want to generate the username based on attributes accountFirstName and accountLastName. However, I’m not sure if it is possible to get the values of attributes accountFirstName and accountLastName.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Glenn Boschmans
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Glenn Boschmans
Business Integrated Solutions
Kunstlaan 21, 1000 Brussel - cibg.brussels<http://cibg.brussels> - disclaimer<http://cibg.brussels/disclaimer-1>
+32 2 282 47 70 |
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer


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Ivan Noris

Senior Identity Engineer

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