[midPoint] net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap.LdapConnector 1.5.2 and "Activation"

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Mon Jun 26 09:45:15 CEST 2017


You are probably using wrong LDAP connector:


This is the "ConnId" version of the LDAP connector, which is basically 
still the same old obsolete JNDI-based LDAP connector from Sun 
Microsystems. I would recommend using the new LDAP connector that is 
bundled with midPoint for several years:


Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 06/26/2017 09:39 AM, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to get Activation working with
> connector: net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap.LdapConnector, version: 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT,
> midPoint version: 1.5.1 (stable).
> Resource: 389DS.
> LDAP activation attribute: nsAccountLock
> I read documentation on ConnId web page:
> https://connid.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BASE/LDAP
> There is "statusManagementClass" configuration option, some classes can
> be used, eg. net.tirasa.connid.bundles.ldap.commons.NSStatusManagement,
> (works on the nsAccountLock attribute; this is ready for usage with
> RedHat / Fedora 389 and Oracle DSEE).
> But I don't know what to do exactly.
> I tried to put the class name in "statusManagementClass" field, but I don't know what to do next.
> Anybody knows how to use this?
> Thanks!
> Wojciech Staszewski
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