[midPoint] Convert string to binary data in 3.5.1 - outbound mapping

Attila Szlovak attila.szlovak at motivum.sk
Wed Jun 14 17:43:16 CEST 2017


I'm using an outbound mapping (in Groovy) for a custom attribute
sshPublicKey (it is defined as "xsd:string" in midPoint and as "Binary
Data - OctetString" in LDAP resource) and in 3.4.1 works fine with
conversion "sshPublicKey?.getBytes()" but in 3.5.1 I got an error message:

"Workflow process(es) could not be started:
com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException: No Java package
for class [B"

If the code with .getbytes() method is disabled then the error message
disappears so it seems that .getBytes() method does not work anymore in

Is it a planned change and should I use an alternative method for
mapping such a string attribute?

S pozdravom/Best regards/Üdvözlettel,

Attila Szlovák

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