[midPoint] Delegated administration

Pertti Kellomäki pertti.kellomaki at datactica.fi
Thu Nov 10 11:54:03 CET 2016

10.11.2016, 10:38, Radovan Semancik kirjoitti:

> Yes. I would say this is the best way. You would probably want to make 
> the OrganizationManager role parametric (using the orgRef assignment 
> parameter). But that's it.
Hi, a quick follow-up question. I created a manager role via the rest 
api using the role-manager-full-control.xml file in midPoint's source 
tree. Then I assigned the role to a user, and logged in as that user. I 
can see in My Assignments that the user is a manager of an 
organizational unit, and also has the Manager Full Control role. 
However, I don't see the organization anywhere in the ui as I would 
expect. The organization has users as members and also a sub-organization.

Is the user missing some required authorization, or do I misunderstand 
how the admin ui works?

Thanks, Pertti

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