[midPoint] MidPoint 3.4 pre-release testing

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Mon May 9 16:53:09 CEST 2016

Dear community,

MidPoint 3.4 development cycle is near its end. We are now deep in the 
feature freeze and almost all of the critical issues are fixed. 
Therefore this is a good time for interested community members to join 
in the midPoint 3.4 pre-release testing.

By participating in the pre-release testing you can make sure that 
midPoint 3.4 will work smoothly in your environment for you specific 

The details are here: 

Thanks in advance to all the participants.

MidPoint 3.4 release is currently planned for late May or early June.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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