[midPoint] SOAP API: WSDL File

Stephen Barker sbarker at illinois.edu
Thu Mar 31 20:25:19 CEST 2016

Hi Beat,

I am a developer at the University of Illinois and we currently use the 
midPoint SOAP interfaces and REST interfaces for our applications 
(basically based on developer preference as we have multiple locations 
with differing development staff to support).

I use a tool called SOAPUI to connect with midPoint 3.3 (running on 
Ubuntu and our Red Hat servers) without any issues in any of our 
environments. We also did not modify the schemas or change our 
installation process in any way.

Some items that might help you debug...

* There does appear to be some bug with the Wsdl.exe tool and the 
include tags that match your error listed here on the support site for 
Microsoft. This looks to also affect the Visual Studio tool.


* You can access the XSDs directly by attempting to do the following 
within a web browser to your instance:


If you can't see these with the web browser then it might be something 
with your installation and accessing those files. If you can you 
installation is fine.

* Can you try the provided test client from Evolveum? There is a sample 
client for java that we used during our evaluation phase that proved to 
be very useful.

* The XSDs can be found in github as well in the:

Basically, if you need to modify something this would be where you 
likely need to look, though like I previously stated we have had no 
problems with working with the WSDL or WADL for our environments.

* The jar that would contain these should be able to be found in your 
web container (if running in tomcat) ../WEB-INF/lib/schema-3.3.jar

Just in case maybe it's a permissions issue...I kind of doubt this one, 
but thought I would throw it in the heap.

Also, just a declaration, I am not an official support person, just 
someone who is actively using midPoint every single day as we transform 
our Identity Management environment.

I hope something here helps you! :)

Stephen Barker
Senior Software Engineer - AITS
University of Illinois
sbarker at uillinois.edu
"we tend to be masters of our own fate, the only thing that stops us 
from doing really cool things is time." -- Monty Oum

On 03/31/2016 10:29 AM, Beat Rohrer wrote:
> Hi,
> We're evaluating midPoint's APIs for use at our university. I've studied
> the WSDL file at http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/model-3?wsdl but I
> miserably fail when I try to parse it with anything in my toolchain
> (i.e. Visual Studio, WSDL.exe, New-WebServiceProxy, wsdl2phpgenerator,
> https://www.wsdl-analyzer.com).
> Wsdl.exe tells me:
> "There was an error downloading
> 'http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/xml.xsd'. --> The request failed with
> HTTP stat
> us 404: Not Found.
> Error: Unable to import binding 'modelBinding' from namespace
> 'http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/model/model-3'
>    - Unable to import operation 'getObject'.
>    - The element
> 'http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/resource-schema-3:name'
> is missing."
> The other tools report similar errors.
> Is there a general problem with the WSDL file, is our test installation
> not properly configured, do I have to edit the WSDL file manually, or do
> I need to make adjustments to my tools?
> We're running midPoint version 3.3 with java version 1.7.0_95 on a
> Debian 8.
> Thank you
> Beat
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