[midPoint] 3.4 Upgrade issues

Shawn McKinney smckinney at symas.com
Wed Jun 29 21:14:02 CEST 2016

> On Jun 29, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Florin. Stingaciu <fstingaciu at mirantis.com> wrote:
> I just tried upgrading from 3.3.1 to 3.4 and as soon as I start tomcat7, I get the following errors: 
> http://pastebin.com/itePGbGn
> When I try to access it via my browser it just loads indefinitely. 
> Also to make matters worse, when I try to revert to my previous version, it fails with the same error. 
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, as right now I don't have have a working Midpoint instance anymore. 

Florin the error you have pasted isn’t ringing a bell for me but when I first tried the upgrade last week I too had some errors when I restarted tomcat.  What I learned was in addition to redeploying with the new war file, I had to run the postgres update script and delete the previous ldap connector.  

It’s is described a bit here:

Once I performed those steps everything was fine again.  

Hope this helps.


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