[midPoint] new to IAMs -- general usage question

Petr Gašparík petr at gasparik.cz
Wed Nov 4 08:07:46 CET 2015

Hi Jon,
Main question is what do you want to achievr. :
- do you want to manage existing users repositories across applications
(with all those audits and reconciliations) - hence identity management?
- or do you want to manage realtime access of users to the applications
(with on the fly evaluation of risk profile etc)  -  hence access

MidPoint is very strong and suitable for the first case. For second case,
there are others systems in IAM ecosystem, like Apereo's CAS

Regards, Petr Gašparík

Dne st 4. 11. 2015 1:19 uživatel Jon V <sito.org at gmail.com> napsal:

> hello. i have installed midpoint and played with it a little.  with all
> its complexity and options, i am still not sure if it is what i want to
> solve the problem i have.
> i have an application with a set of data which i want to allow various
> types of access to, based upon set of criteria tied to the user.  i do not
> wish to reinvent the wheel and write my own code to manage users, groups,
> passwords, authentication, etc etc, so an IAM seems like a great idea.
>  however, i am not clear about creating *arbitrary*
> roles/permissions/groups that my *application* will need -- if this is
> what an IAM is designed for?  (or if the roles, etc in the IAM are strictly
> for permissions *within* the IAM system itself and not meant to have
> meaning to outside systems.)
> any tips on a place for a newbie to get assistance on usage of IAM would
> greatly be appreciated.  thanks!
> -jon
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Petr G.
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