[midPoint] Problems with user password

Lucie Rút Bittnerová lucie.bittnerova at ami.cz
Tue Mar 4 16:06:44 CET 2014


I have Midpoint 2.3 from the 14th February and it has this strange 

1) I create user and give him the role "End user" and I test, that I can 
login as this user.
2) I change the user's name
3) I try to log in with the new name and old password (which I have not 
changed), but I get this error

    Invalid username and/or password.

4) I change the user name to the original one. With this original name I 
can login again.

I have also question, why Midpoint doesn't control if there are filled 
in mandatory fields from the extension xml.


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